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How are the forum threads sorted on index?
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Posted 3/7/2024 11:05 (#10655508)
Subject: How are the forum threads sorted on index?

I'm used to BB forums sorting threads with the latest replied threads at the top, but the threads here don't follow that at all. How are they sorted? Just trying to find the best way to use the forum.

See picture, towards the bottom you can see last replies are March 6th, then 7th, then 6th, then 7th, then 6th again so obviously not sorted descending by date of last post?

Is there a way to sort latest replied threads at the top?

Edit: Confusing, I just replied to a thread about the new JD and now that thread is showing up on page 3 of the machinery talk forum

Edited by chazawalla 3/7/2024 11:32

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