SW Iowa | There are some older threads on this subject if you search--here's one example: https://talk.newagtalk.com/forums/thread-view.asp?tid=588976
I used the products mentioned in that thread (which I was able to source in jugs through B&D) to self-treat small quantities for a seed treatment test plot I did through Practical Farmers of Iowa a few years ago. PFI had three locations doing same/similar test the year I did, and I believe has had some similar trials before and since... I don't think any have ever seen a statistical gain from seed treatment. These were all 3-4 replications of each treatment with randomized strip placement.
I usually treat a few beans every year and plant them next to untreated of the same variety for the sake of comparison... I have yet to see a noticeable difference between treated and non in any of my yield maps so I plant mostly untreated. If you haven't, I would strongly encourage you to do some tests on your own farm to determine if seed treatments are actually beneficial or provide enough gain to be worth the cost/trouble. If you think treatment makes a difference for you, just get a few paper bags of untreated to finish with and keep track of where they get planted. The majority of my ground is relatively well drained, so perhaps you will different findings than I have... but you also might be surprised. I figure if I have to buy a few units or replant seed if/when necessary I still come out way ahead with what I save on treatment. | |