coast of Maine | I was hauling some quite beefy loads of algae fiber (soil amendment)this week,was going to post an approved load question.Well I had a tire go whoosh,stopped almost as fast as possible.Blocks and jacks and the battery wrench got it off.Take it to the shop and see the tire is fine except a small cut on the inside on the bead.Tube goes in,I put 20 lbs in,,looks fine ,stood it up ,oh yeah its sweet.Had a sudden thought,,,,lets put this in the cage cause we just dont know.My mechanic wheeled over the seldom (real seldom) used cage.I then put 30 lbs,,jeez it looks fine,,I clipped the chuck on and walked on other side ,,Holy smokes! The bead itself was stretched over 6 inches of the rim.Jumped the chuck off,,its gonna blow,,held for a few ,I gingerly screwed the core out,by reaching thru the cage,,,,we both would normally have never seen the bead roll as it was on the down side,,one of us or both would have taken it bad..just a split decision saved us.Plus I should not have reached in to take out the core,,Any how,,if you have a cage use it,,if no cage buy or make one.
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