East Central, Nebraska | don't know the exact specifics of this particular site but there seems to be some websites and adds posted up here recently of people selling agopengps kits, i don't know how i feel about them profiting off of something that is free and that people worked hard to create to offer for free to others. there was another one that was on here a few weeks ago doing the same thing. the biggest red flag i see is typically no phone numbers, and they rarely tell you a name or location. seems like a red flag to me. my thoughts on this is if your jumping into one of these systems you might as well build it yourself as i highly doubt these kits will be supported in any way. so why not learn the ins and outs of the system reading the how to's on the agopengps website. at the end of the day, what are you really buying from them? i bought the tablet they recommend last week on ebay for about $150, they tell you where to buy the other components. just my thoughts.
might be different if they were selling and supporting but they don't want you to know who they are. | |