East Central, Nebraska | as i understand it population makes a huge difference and i would assume how well tuned a good meter is. all of that gets worse the faster and higher population you go. we are told that at some point the seed cannot fall fast enough to do a good job therefore that is we see high speed meters. i am absolutely no expert but have ran a test stand a some trying to see how fast i can push different meters and just as you suspect the faster you go the worse it gets. i have my opinion and i would rate performance and speed as follows, first being the worst for performance at higher rates and speeds:
1. kinze edgevac
2. finger pickup over 5 mph
3. stock deere or kinze meter on ground drive
3. PP vset on ground drive
4. PP vset with vdrive or graham electric drive
5. kinze, deere, PP high speed tubes.
ground chain drive is going to run rough compared to an electric drive every time.
i don't know what your running but the best thing you can do is get your meter on a test stand and see how it performs at different speeds. no way a test stand can simulate a rough field but you can from the seat and know to slow down (or obviously looking at down force data on the monitor). i have never been a very big Precision Planting fan but had ran vsets the last 4 or so years and myself and my dealer were fairly confident we could run up to 7 on a good smooth field but i didn't ever have the guts to try it. I have now upgraded to high speed so we will see how that goes. They sure look pretty sweet on the test stand.
once again, no expert but i think there are lots of variables that would go into giving you and educated answer based on test stand performance. seed size, speed, ground conditions, planter drive type, seed texture would even be a factor, is it humid that day and is the seed coated well with talc and graphite? loaded question really. i have even seen high speed tubes run poorly on a test stand. so my answer is who knows, lol. sorry no help. | |