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Critique This Bean Program
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Posted 2/17/2025 14:14 (#11109084 - in reply to #11108498)
Subject: RE: Critique This Bean Program

doathlon - 2/17/2025 08:41

Enlist is expensive and is quite questionable if it even works much anymore. Better off to leave it out

Works anymore on what? Knocks the crap out of GRW here. That being said, I still get by with just using glyphosate (with clethodim for vol. corn next to seed corn fields) a lot of the time. But anywhere I have GRW is getting Enlist. I count quite a bit on the pre but Enlist and Liberty are a good option to have.

Preplant I'm doing is 3 oz dry generic Authority First, a quart of Powermax, 5 oz dry metribuzin, 2/3 pt of LV6, 1.3 pt generic metalochlor, AMS, and COC. So far here, no TWH problems in the area. I'm counting on that to not be the case soon. Biggest problem post in a few spots is GRW and Liberty is ok for that but not great. Enlist way better on GRW. Here. And if it's a bad mess, Enlist and Liberty is like napalm. So far. This is all no till.
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