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Lay offs and its affect on hiring and unemployment data?
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Posted 2/19/2025 08:54 (#11112143)
Subject: Lay offs and its affect on hiring and unemployment data?

I guess there are a couple of questions.

1. Is the gov't laying off enough people that it will encourage the Feds to lower interest rates? A Trump strategy to lower rates?

2. I've now seen numerous stories about the govt firing a bunch of people and then realizing that some were important to national defense or whatever then trying to get them back. There was one person on here talking about how some would be hired back as independent contractors. Would those show up as "new hires" on a jobs report? If so, would that inflate job numbers to make the economy look better?

Technically either scenario would cancel the other out, but curious if any of the lay offs and re-hires are large enough to make a dent in the jobs reports, and therefore any decisions that are made based on the report.
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