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Solar trickle charger for autos
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Posted 2/19/2025 14:21 (#11112783)
Subject: Solar trickle charger for autos

Had this happen twice already. My 2021 Honda crv exl says you aint going nowhere yesterday in the cold. Last time it happened Honda mechanics said its a wonder your car starts when it does because of low miles driven. It has 13,600 miles on the clock. Sometimes it sets in my driveway for a week or two or more without moving.

I have a solar charger that plugs into an old fashion cigar lighter outlet. My car does not have that I can find. Does anyone know of a foot by foot and a half or so that I could lay on my dash while parked that would not over charge and plug into a usb port?

This time I got a new battery for a meer $245 bucks cause my smart charger said I should and its almost 4 years old. It takes a new type battery called a glass mat. A little on the small side for all the electrical junk on modern cars
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