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Mark (EC,IN)
Posted 2/19/2025 15:59 (#11112923 - in reply to #11112605)
Subject: RE: New Idea & John Deere

Schlegel Farms, Hagerstown Indiana
bshannon - 2/19/2025 12:59

3rd & 4th pictures are a New Idea W5. Problems from the beginning and New Idea dropped out of the small square baler market due to this disaster.

# 5 & 6 are John Deere 116W wire tie baler. I guess they were a good baler but uncommon to this area.

Yes, it was pictures 3&4 that had me puzzled. I had never seen a New Idea like that one.

A neighbor had a Deere baler that had the sideways plunger when I was a kid, I think it was 114 though. He also had a Deere pull-type corn picker that had the elevator and the wagon off to the side.
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