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11.7% Tax increase - School Bond
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Dirk Diggler
Posted 2/20/2025 06:27 (#11113793 - in reply to #11113688)
Subject: RE: 11.7% Tax increase - School Bond

West Lafayette IN
In Indiana, schools get money through property taxes. In rural areas like where I live, most of the property is farm land. A lot of the farmland is owned by absentee landowners who live a long ways away. Bill Gates for instance owns farm land within our school district.

My point is: schools need to generate money from somewhere. I own land too, so it increases my tax burden, but it also collects money from Bill Gates and folks who inherited the farm from their parents and moved then moved to Florida. These folks spend the money their farm generates somewhere other than in our school district.

It will eventually increase cash rent, but it doesn’t bother me to tax absentee landlords.

Edited by Dirk Diggler 2/20/2025 06:52
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