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Farming for yourself or your families legacy.
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Posted 2/20/2025 10:36 (#11114285 - in reply to #11112715)
Subject: RE: Farming for yourself or your families legacy.

North of London
I think anyone that is not farming as a business will soon be out of business.

It is a poor reason to do something just because your ancestors did it
If you are doing it just like previous generation you are not doing anyone a favour.

Farms in the past were much smaller because labour was needed for most activities.
Today that size farm is almost impossible to provide enough income to be considered a business so a legacy farm ends up being a hobby
That is fine if you enjoy that hobby but if not then it will have no future.

So you know you are just keeping the family name going if you are working at something else to put groceries on the table while working at your hobby.
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