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Maine vacation
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Posted 2/20/2025 11:44 (#11114420 - in reply to #11114261)
Subject: RE: Maine vacation

West Central Illinois
The thread by Walton has good info.
If you are there over the Fourth of July, Portland has a great fireworks display over the harbor.
You want to allow at least two days to explore Acadia NP.
And if you are into wildlife, I’d suggest circling west to Moosehead Lake. Youngs Guide Service (owned and guided by Chris Young) can almost guarantee to get you fairly close to moose. He drives you in his crew cab pickup and/or by boat. We saw many moose and loons.
From there you can circle back down through New Hampshire, Vermont and the White Mountains.
Maine has two quite different feels- the quaint but touristy coastal towns and the more rugged west part.
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