North Central KS | Need some input on how I should be thinking about creating zones for prescriptive planting populations for corn.
We are in a 0-150 bushel yield environment. Thinking about dropping 12k pop. along hedge rows on the first pass around the field. The highest I would go is 22k in the really good dirt After that I’m not sure how to proceed on creating the zones. I have elevation GPS maps which somewhat correspond with the yield maps. Terraces show up pretty ugly on yield monitor too but I feel like I can’t be jumping pop up and down over terraces. I’ll try to attach some pictures of a field I’m playing around on this with.
Am I wasting my time trying to do this and should just wait until I have grid sampled and use those zones? Very new to this and don’t want to screw something majorly up but I can see some value in putting the seed where it has the most bang for buck.
Legend for elevation map is that red is lowest green is highest.
Legend for yield map is blue is best yield spots, red is the worst
Edited by NoTillFarmer8230 2/20/2025 20:16
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