West-Central Missouri | I have been pricing with HTA’s and rolling. Currently have all HTA’s vs CK25, except one contract i set the basis at +$.30 CN25 at Scoular on about 11/12/24.
I am still trying to learn the best time to set basis.
I plan to roll once more to CN25 and deliver in July.
I do not want to wait to set basis until they are bidding vs CU25. My thinking is a lot of cash corn was purchased between @ January 10 to now. It will take about 3 months to work through that corn, so I would like to sell a better basis sometime in April - June. I will check basis once per week, and if we get to +$.20N, I will start selling. I would likely sell the basis in all HTA’s at +$.30N.
In hindsight i should have locked more basis in at +.30. I am not sure why Scoular was bidding +.30N that early in the marketing year.
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