| I'm sure somebody has tried this. We have a jaylor vertical TMR that we have mixed hay in before, it takes a while and doesn't feed out very well as it needs new knives. Local marketplace has a 256 haybuster bale processor for a decent price. Looking to save time more than anything as I have off farm job, was thinking of grinding hay into a pile on the weekends for a few weeks worth of hay needed then I would mix that hay and silage every night instead of mixing a whole bale. Would allow me to fine tune the amount of hay each day instead of being held to 4x6 bales every batch. I was considering stacking some round bales on edge and create a little make shift bunk. Can use loader tractor to help pile up. This is on a smaller 70-80 cow calf operation. There is nobody even close that does custom bay grinding or we would go that route. Also would be nice to bed cattle with it and I have some landscaping projects would help with grass seeding. What's the biggest thing I'm missing considering doing this? | |